Demand increases for new state pension statements

The number of people accessing their new state pension statement has increased by almost 40% in the last 6 months to around 400,000. This is an increase on the previous year when there were 400,000 requests in total.

Anyone over the age of 18 can access information about their state pension by using the new online Check your State Pension service. This service provides a personalised estimate of what someone may receive when they reach state pension age based on their National Insurance contributions record. It can also highlight any gaps in National Insurance contributions and whether these can be filled with voluntary contributions. Those not able to use the online service can request a state pension statement from DWP.
If the current state pension estimate is less than the full amount of new state pension (£155.65 in 2016/17), it may be possible to increase this amount by adding qualifying years.

Pensions Minister Baroness Ros Altmann said: ‘It is encouraging to see that more and more people are taking an interest in their state pension. Requesting a pension statement is easy and I encourage everyone to do so – it is a valuable tool for helping you plan a secure retirement. Once you understand how much state pension you might receive, you will be better able to plan your later life income.’


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