For many people the idea of making their last mortgage payment makes them jump for joy, after all not having to make monthly mortgage payments brings peace of mind, freedom and a sense of security.
But due to house price rises, stagnant wages and reduced pensions many people are still paying off their mortgage into retirement. But it doesn’t have to be like that. With the right planning and support, the dream of owning your property outright can become a reality far sooner than you think.
Your personal circumstances (such as having children, children leaving home, changing jobs or going through a divorce) will change throughout the duration of your mortgage so it makes financial sense to review your deal on a regular basis.
Whether you are buying your first, or next, home, remortgaging, finding the ideal rental property and buy-to-let mortgage, or looking to release equity from your home we believe our advice is invaluable at helping you save money or reducing the number of years until you are mortgage-free.
Our aim is to help you by not only recommending the most suitable mortgage for your needs but to help you budget for all the other essentials that go with buying a home such as mortgage fees.
A mortgage to suit you
We offer a free initial consultation so contact us and find out how you can benefit from Odyssey Wealth Management’s mortgage expertise.
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage
CALL US NOW T: 03452 411102 T: 01908 380505
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