Many people worry about inheritance tax. In one swoop, it can take away upto 40% of the assets you’ve saved so you can pass them on to your children and grandchildren.
Careful estate planning is necessary if you want to protect your estate and its assets, and safeguard your children’s legacy. Above all estate planning protects your family in the event that something happens to you.
We want to make estate planning a life-affirming action rather than something morbid, that’s why we talk to you about the people you care most about so that you can ensure their future happiness. We’ll also look at your assets so that we can help you take the appropriate steps to minimise, and possibly avoid, IHT.
Estate planning can also help you mitigate other risks associated with costs of residential care, remarriage, divorce, guardianship, bankruptcy and owning your own business.
You may think that estate planning is only for the wealthy but it’s time to think again, and it doesn’t have to be complicated.
Plan ahead and safeguard your children’s legacy
We understand it’s easier to discuss personal matters face to face so book a free estate planning consultation with us now by completing the form below.
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