
6 reasons to use a mortgage broker

When you’re moving home, it comes with a lot of expenses and you may be looking for ways to reduce costs. However, paying a mortgage broker to work on your behalf can add value and mean you save money over the term of your mortgage. The mortgage market can seem complex at any time, but given the... Read more

Why financial lessons are important for children and teens

Financial education in childhood is crucial. Attitudes and habits formed in our tentative years can have an impact in adulthood. Passing on your financial knowledge and the lessons you’ve learnt to children and grandchildren can lead to them being more financially savvy and secure in the future... Read more

Making ESG part of your pension investments

Taking ESG (environmental, social and governance) factors into consideration when investing is becoming more mainstream. However, many investors that want to make ESG part of their strategy are overlooking their pension. Pandemic means investors are more likely to consider ESG ESG investing... Read more

Balancing investment risk and reward: What should you consider?

We know that investments come with risk and the value of your investments can fall. With risk linked to potential rewards, it can be difficult to know how much risk is appropriate for you. When we make financial decisions, lots of factors can influence what you decide. This may include emotional... Read more

Underestimating the amount you need in retirement: How a mid-life check can help

Do you know how much you need to save into your pension for the retirement you want? Millions of pension savers are underestimating how much they’ll need once they give up work. It’s a miscalculation that could lead to a retirement that doesn’t meet expectations. Even if retirement seems a long... Read more

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